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Hex Vom Dasenstein Pinot Noir Spatburgunder

Hex Vom Dasenstein Pinot Noir Spatburgunder

Product Code 93219i
We are the Southern California distributor for this Niche Import Company wine.

The name Hex vom Dasenstein means the witch of Dasenstein in German. The name comes from a local story about the daughter of the town’s nobleman who had an affair with a commoner from the village of Kappelrodeck. When her father found out, he kicked her out of the castle. The daughter spent the rest of her life living in a cave in the side of a gigantic rock (the Dasenstein) that sits in the middle of one of the vineyards. As the woman grew older, her nose grew longer, her face became very wrinkled and the locals called her the Hex vom Dasenstein. Pinot Noir is Baden’s most widely cultivated red varietal. It has earthy and mineral qualities balanced with classic notes of dark cherry, plum, and robust tannins.

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